*We propose networks of people, with their own financial capacities - units of account, distributed credit issuance and ways of investing, measuring and rewarding - building a collective alternative to capitalism in a way that the traditional left no longer can.

The first of the many promises in web3 is the capability of a TrustWorthy accountability system for value exchanging, which is (crypto)Currency creation. Bitcoin’s innovation that enables a global trust in the currency is the mathematical capability assured by the consensus of thousands of servers that it’s supply function won’t ever being changed, creating therefore a global narrative (aka a not-spiritual-religion) that makes accruing value into bitcoin, the token, despite it creates or not real (actual utilitarian) value.

A narrative is a narrative, and we are not submitted to believe any single or all of them, but we have the choice to believe in whatever narrative we choice as long it makes sense at a logical, emotional and even vibrational levels. In today’s society we all are engaged with many narratives, maybe spiritual that connects us to a higher forces, or just material narratives, like money that allows us to satisfy our needs and desires by giving us an accounting method to accrue the value we give to society through our work (aka the fiat system). We are also even forced by engaging to realities we might not even like...

Religio DAO needs value coming in, we want to build platforms, d-apps, protocols, we want to attract and engage talent that brings their creativity and skills to make our vision a reality. We are a nascent organization with no business model (yet), just an spiritual & community one, and today, you are reading the first seed of our ready-to-deploy Economic Model. This is our Minimal Economical Framework that has the best of the intentions to become sustainable once we reach the critical (or not) populations that will attest the worth of contributing to and redeeming value from it. Yes, we are deploying an economy in which people’s contribution to the DAO are rewarded by a token, which token can then be redeemed in the forms of money and/or governance.

Introducing the $RCT - A Faith-on-the-Community Based Token

Just like an IOU (I Own You) token is a currency with an intrinsic counterparty risk, where a 3rd party is obliged to provide back the value encoded within the IOU. The Religio Contribution Token ($RCT) is a ERC20 token that will provide a measurable and transferrable recognition for contributions made to Religio DAO (and it’s mission and vision, of course).

If faith can move mountains (look for biblical quote), it can also build platforms for moving communities around the world forward to the Regeneration of our souls, communities and the global manifested spirit of humanity.

The Material Need to deliver Spiritual Bridges

In the web3 culture we want to deliver to the world, we need a legal platform that constitutes the juridic base for our religion, therefore tax exemptions and recognition from traditional Nation-States for opening a better dialogue for the up to come Network States or Coordi-Nations (not only Religio DAO, but our partners and affiliates); we need technological platforms for des-intermediating the governance of our Sacred Texts (see Swarm proposal), for attestation of the secular/religious community rituals we want to impulse around the world (see hypercerts ritual attestation), for matching healers and needing-healing people around the world (see heal-the-world platform) together; and of course we will need to provide some incentives to our communities to spread the word of Religio and proof the utility we want to give to the world.

: Insert meme: We don’t need money to make a Religion, we need a Religion to make money.

We recognize that our main need to achieve our goals is to attract Human Capital to work on the platforms suggested above. We acknowledge that we are coming in a world which productivity capacity is ruled by the machinery Moloch’s state of mind which has fiat money as the reason for producing, but in a organization like Religion, we like to aim to honor the sacredness of the ritual of giving, so we want to test out launching our own economy (that also includes money in the form of stable-coins/blue-chip tokens) based on the faith on our community and vision.

Designs Principles for Religio’s Economic Token

The Spiritual & Socio-Economic principles for our contributions based religious economy are:

The Distributed Economic Ecosystem of $RCT

In our aim to birth, grow and maintain an economy made of contributions from people that engage their labour with Religio DAO (let’s call them Devotees, makes sense and it’s fun), we can only give governance to contributors, sorry, Devotees! Devotees give their devotion (in form of contributions) to the DAO’s community, mission and vision and purpose, to build the technological platforms that bridge the material and spiritual worlds, for themself, for their communities, and for the whole world. This devotion is manifested in the form of contribution and will be rewarded with a $RCT.

Before diving into’s $RCT governance, let’s explore what are the assets governed in this Religious Economy: